Tag Archives: blonde

Brewery Dupont – blanche du Hainaut

Brewery Dupont originates back to 1920 where Louis Dupont was given the old farm-brewery Rimaux-Deridder dating back from 1759, from his father Alfred Dupont. Louis had not children and his nephew Sylva Rosier. Sylva’s son Marc Rosier managed the brewery from 1964 to 2002. Since 2002, Olivier Dedeycker has succeeded his uncle Marc Rosier as the Director of the family brewery and therefore represents the fourth generation of this brewers’ family.

I got this unfiltered wheat beer as a gift, it was bought in a beer shop in Copenhagen, I do not know the price for this 250 ml bottle at 5,5%.

Light yellow colour and only slightly hazy, not a beer large enough to be served in a weissbier glass.

Medium head with a rough structure but a fine foam on top.

Good fresh and  fruity in the aroma, with a good scent of banana to it.

Powerful CO2, good fruit, fresh, wheat and some banana in the delicate, not to powerful taste. A good and fresh wheat beer. Bonus points for being organic / biodynamic.

Overall rating 83 / 100