Tag Archives: witbier

Thisted Bryghus – Rød Thy

Thisted Bryghus was founded in 1908 where it bought up the broke Thisted Aktiebryggeri that had existed for a mere 10 years before it had to close. The brewery is mainly owned by local people holding shares in the brewery. Thisted bryghus is located in Thisted in Denmark.

I found the red and blue Thy craft beers at a local supermarket in Odense, Denmark. Price was around 3-4 Euro for a 500 ml bottle beer at 3.5%. A product advertised as a light beer for lunches.

Rød Thy is a Belgian wheat beer with added flavours.

Rosa-yellow in the color, slightly hazy and with a fine foamed head.

Fruit and fresh hops in the aroma.

Good CO2, wine-like and light rose notes. Elderflower cordial in the taste. Feels too light from the low alcohol level.

Overall rating 76 / 100

Bryggeriet Frejdahl – Miklasgaard – Mango Witbier

Frejdahl is the brand result from a cooperation between brewer Christoph Behnke and designer Jim Lyngvild. The beer is brewed at Bryggeriet Vestfyen, located in Assens, Denmark. Bryggeriet Vestfyen has been in operating since 1885.

I bought this beer in a local supermarket, Odense, Denmark. Completely lost track of its price. This mango witbier comes in a 500 ml bottle at 4.8% alcohol.

Beautiful hazy yellow and orange in the color. Fine foam on top of the head.

Sweet and fruitful wit aroma with a distinct mango scent to it.

A tad too low CO2 to the not so powerful taste. It has a good balance between the sweet fruit and the bitterness of the hops.

Overall rating 80 / 100

Alaryk – Blanche

Alaryk craft brewery is located in Béziers, France. Alaryk was founded in 2017 by Sébastien Alary and Jean-Olivier Rieusset. Their goal was to create beer that would be found in wine shops.

I got this beer as a birthday gift from my family. Hence the price is unknown. The biodynamic beer comes in a 330 ml bottle at 4.5% alcohol.

Very active CO2 that makes pouring a bit of a challenge. Huge head that quickly disperses back into a thin layer.

Beautiful hazy yellow in the color.

Dry and bitterness in a deep fruity aroma. Scents and sharpness of nature wine and yeast.

Powerful CO2 in when drinking. A funny softness and wine-like texture to the taste. Tender taste, fresh and with a too short after taste.

Overall rating 84 / 100

Thy – Hvid

Thisted Bryghus was founded in 1908 where it bought up the broke Thisted Aktiebryggeri that had existed for a mere 10 years before it had to close. The brewery is mainly owned by local people holding shares in the brewery. Thisted bryghus is located in Thisted in Denmark.

I found this beer on offer in a local supermarket in Odense, Denmark. 2 Euro for a 500 ml bottle at 3.5%, this beer is offering a light lunch beer type.

Deep yellow in the color with a thick haziness over it. A small head on top.

Weak aroma, not able to describe it in any further details. In fact, the previous sentence, is a longer description of nothing, than the aroma itself.

Vivid CO2, good taste composition and balance. A little weak on the palate due to the low alcohol levels. Fresh fruits and yeast in the after taste.

Overall rating 73 / 100

Blue Moon – Belgian White

Blue Moon Belgian White was originally called Bellyslide Belgian White, by brewer Keith Villa at Sandlot Brewery, Denver, Colorado, USA. This is owned by the Molson Coors corporation and the exported beers are most likely brewed at the Molson Brewery in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

This beer comes in a 500 ml can at 5.4% alcohol level. I hope I got it cheap.

The beer is thick flowing as porridge, unfiltered yellow and no foam head at all.

Aroma reminds me more of a orange juice than a beer. Has some fresh, even going towards chemical, notes of whatever that is.

Simply a bad tasting experience. No balance between the taste notes and it just feels like a watery mixture of oranges and chemicals.

Overall rating 54 / 100

Albani Schiøtz – Nordisk Hvede Witbier

Albani Brewery is located in Odense, Denmark and was established in 1859 by three local business owners and of these the most famous is Theodor Schiøtz. Albani expanded in Odense and also bought up another nine breweries in Denmark over the course of almost 100 years. In 2000 Albani became a part of Royal Unibrew and remains there today.

I bought this 750 ml bottle at 4.3% in a supermarket in Odense, Denmark at the price of 4.5 Euro. A Nordic take on the witbier.

Good glow to the yellow beer, with deep orange notes to the colour.

Rough structured head with a fine foam on top, quickly disperses into a thin layer.

Medium sweet fruit in the aroma, no traces of the added rose hip or common juniper, perhaps a little yeast note is to be found.

Full bodied sweetness with a good balance to the CO2. Wheated notes, despite being a little too anonymous, makes it a good composition which only leaves me to wish for a longer after taste.

Overall rating 79 / 100

Hjort – Sebastian Belgisk Wit

Hjort Brewery was founded by Carsten Hjort in 2015, in Nørresundby, Denmark. He started out brewing beer from his basement at home. Later on, some of the more popular beers are put in production at larger breweries.

I bought this biodynamic beer somewhere. I forgot. Its a 330 ml glass bottle at 5% alcohol.

The beer is deep orange in the color with some brown notes to it.

Medium sized head with a coarse foam with a fine small bubbled top.

Aroma comes off with a fair strength. Dominated by hoppy fruits and citrus.

Powerful CO2 and the taste notes come out as single notes, not like a mixed picture. Perhaps a bit too perfume like in its wit’tyness.

Overall rating 80 / 100.

Albani – Citra Witbier – Belgisk hvedeøl

I bought this 500 ml can at 5,2% in a Danish supermarket at the price of 2 Euro. 

Albani Brewery is located in Odense, Denmark and was established in 1859 by three local business owners and of these the most famous is Theodor Schiøtz. Albani expanded in Odense and also bought up another nine breweries in Denmark over the course of almost 100 years. In 2000 Albani became a part of Royal Unibrew and remains there today.

Light yellow in the colour, a few heavy pieces of sediment floats around but generally you can see through it.

Medium sized head with a fine structure and top. The foam stays on the beer for a good while with a thin suitable layer.

Powerful citrus and flowery aroma, a note of sweetness to it.

Low CO2, sweet at first with all the fruit but that quickly changes when the coriander and citrus fruits kick through along with the bitterness of the hops.

Overall rating 76 / 100


Brasserie Du Bocq – Blanche de Namur

The first beer from Brasserie Du Bocq was from 1858 when Martin Belot, a farmer in Purnode, Belgium started brewing. The Brewery was incorporated into a limited company in 1949. The production reached 104,000 hectoliters in 2015.

I bought this 4.5%, 330 ml bottle of beer in a local supermarket in Odense, Denmark at the price of 2.5 Euro.

Light yellow and white in the colour.

Large head with a rough structure and a fine foam top.

Sweet fruit, some flowers and spiced hops in the aroma.

Low CO2, sweet taste with a light and fresh after taste. Slightly hoppy in the end.

Overall rating 80 / 100

E.C. Dahls Bryggeri – Lamo Wit

E.C. Dahls Brewery was founded in 1856 by Erich Christian Dahl in Trondheim, Norway. In 1966 the brewery merged with Aktiebryggeriet at Lademoen, where it is still located today.

I bought this Belgian inspired wit from Oslo Airport in Norway, the price was 4,5 Euro for a 330 ml bottle at 5,2%

Filtered beer with a light yellow colour and an ever so slightly haziness.

Small head with a rough structure. A thin layer of fine foam stays on the top.

Medium strength aroma that has a real delicious sweet fruit to it. Subtle but very inviting.

Powerful CO2, fresh, fruity and a tiny bit on the thin side. Shows no signs of bitterness or soapiness as some wit beer can. A good beer that is easy to drink and tastes great. After taste is faint but yet pleasing.

Overall rating 84 / 100