Thisted Bryghus was founded in 1908 where it bought up the broke Thisted Aktiebryggeri that had existed for a mere 10 years before it had to close. The brewery is mainly owned by local people holding shares in the brewery. Thisted bryghus is located in Thisted in Denmark.
I found the red and blue Thy craft beers at a local supermarket in Odense, Denmark. Price was around 3-4 Euro for a 500 ml bottle beer at 3.5%. A product advertised as a light beer for lunches.
Rød Thy is a Belgian wheat beer with added flavours.
Rosa-yellow in the color, slightly hazy and with a fine foamed head.
Fruit and fresh hops in the aroma.
Good CO2, wine-like and light rose notes. Elderflower cordial in the taste. Feels too light from the low alcohol level.
Overall rating 76 / 100