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Statistics for "faerie frog" found in Snowdonia

NameLevel fromLevel toAggroTotal killed
Players killedNumber of players that were killed by this monster
faerie frog3031aggressive53510weak enemy11%
Gear items
NameSalvages forSalvage valueSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
Faerie Frog Eye 35s 51c315.79%
Average per kill2s 6c5.79%

Craft items, sell loot and generic items
NameSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
faerie frog legs11s 45985.79%
harness19s 23844.49%
faerie frog skin25s 6211.59%
Average per kill20s 79c141.87%

ROG / unique object items
NameSalvages forSalvage valueSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
glowing Spiritbender needle mace5 mithril metal bars4g 96s 80c89s 28c10.19%
lustrous Matterbender plate breastplate10.19%
glowing Sturdy long sword10 mithril metal bars9g 93s 60c89s 28c10.19%
glowing Mighty hammer10.19%
glowing Adroit lamellar vest10.19%
lustrous Heatbender round shield5 adamantium metal bars7g 45s 20c95s 4c10.19%
glowing Fervent leather helm10.19%
glowing Bodybender plated war crown10 mithril metal bars9g 93s 60c89s 28c10.19%
glowing Adroit long bow10.19%
glowing Heatbender round shield5 mithril metal bars4g 96s 80c89s 28c10.19%
glowing Edgebender long bow36 runewood wooden boards15g 3s 36c89s 28c10.19%
glowing Bladeblocker great scimitar10.19%
glowing Sturdy whip5 mithril metal bars4g 96s 80c89s 28c10.19%
glowing Edgebender quilted crown36 sylvan cloth square9g 84s 96c89s 28c10.19%
glowing Speedy lamellar gauntlets10.19%
lustrous Bodybender poleaxe15 adamantium metal bars22g 35s 60c95s 4c10.19%
lustrous Bluntbender lamellar sleeves10 adamantium metal bars14g 90s 40c95s 4c10.19%
glowing Heatbender stiletto 50s 40c10.19%
glowing Adroit poleaxe15 mithril metal bars14g 90s 40c89s 28c10.19%
glowing Thrustbender plate vambraces10 mithril metal bars9g 93s 60c89s 28c10.19%
glowing Heatbender leather leggings10.19%
lustrous Thrustbender leather leggings36 imbued leather square21g 77s 28c95s 4c10.19%
lustrous Edgebender leather sleeves24 imbued leather square14g 51s 52c95s 4c10.19%
glowing Willful leather jerkin10.19%
lustrous Speedy quilted robe53 seamist cloth square21g 75s 12c95s 4c10.19%
glowing Icebender quilted cap10.19%
glowing Mighty partisan10.19%
lustrous Sturdy great hammer15 adamantium metal bars22g 35s 60c95s 4c10.19%
glowing Energybender suede crown10.19%
glowing Spiritbender quilted robe54 sylvan cloth square14g 77s 44c89s 28c10.19%
Average per kill41s 96c3s 5c5.7%

"faerie frog" belongs to faction "Ellyllon"

Kill to INCREASE factionKill to DECREASE faction
arawnite warrior
ra of oak
Tylwyth Teg huntress
Tylwyth Teg ranger
Tylwyth Teg rover
Champion Elbaennon
Champion Merendon
Ellyll froglord
Ellyll guard
Ellyll seer
Ellyll villager
Ellyll windchaser
faerie frog
Worry Wort

Zones where monster can be found

Zone nameTotal killed
Salisbury Plains143

Locations of "faerie frog" in Snowdonia

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Statistics for "faerie frog" in every zone in the realm

NameLevel fromLevel toAggroTotal killed
Players killedNumber of players that were killed by this monster
faerie frog2931aggressive67810weak enemy10%
Gear and craft items
NameSalvages forSalvage valueSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
Faerie Frog Eye 35s 51c405.9%
Average per kill5.9%

Sell loot and generic items
NameSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
faerie frog legs11s 57384.51%
harness19s 30745.28%
faerie frog skin25s 7911.65%
Average per kill141.44%

ROG / unique object items
NameSalvages forSalvage valueSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
glowing Spiritbender needle mace5 mithril metal bars4g 96s 80c89s 28c10.15%
lustrous Matterbender plate breastplate10.15%
glowing Sturdy long sword10 mithril metal bars9g 93s 60c89s 28c10.15%
glowing Mighty hammer10.15%
glowing Adroit lamellar vest10.15%
lustrous Heatbender round shield5 adamantium metal bars7g 45s 20c95s 4c10.15%
glowing Fervent leather helm10.15%
glowing Bodybender plated war crown10 mithril metal bars9g 93s 60c89s 28c10.15%
glowing Adroit long bow10.15%
glowing Heatbender round shield5 mithril metal bars4g 96s 80c89s 28c10.15%
glowing Edgebender long bow36 runewood wooden boards15g 3s 36c89s 28c10.15%
glowing Bladeblocker great scimitar10.15%
glowing Sturdy whip5 mithril metal bars4g 96s 80c89s 28c10.15%
glowing Edgebender quilted crown36 sylvan cloth square9g 84s 96c89s 28c10.15%
glowing Speedy lamellar gauntlets10.15%
lustrous Bodybender poleaxe15 adamantium metal bars22g 35s 60c95s 4c10.15%
lustrous Bluntbender lamellar sleeves10 adamantium metal bars14g 90s 40c95s 4c10.15%
glowing Heatbender stiletto 50s 40c10.15%
glowing Adroit poleaxe15 mithril metal bars14g 90s 40c89s 28c10.15%
glowing Thrustbender plate vambraces10 mithril metal bars9g 93s 60c89s 28c10.15%
glowing Heatbender leather leggings10.15%
lustrous Thrustbender leather leggings36 imbued leather square21g 77s 28c95s 4c10.15%
lustrous Edgebender leather sleeves24 imbued leather square14g 51s 52c95s 4c10.15%
glowing Willful leather jerkin10.15%
lustrous Speedy quilted robe53 seamist cloth square21g 75s 12c95s 4c10.15%
glowing Icebender quilted cap10.15%
glowing Mighty partisan10.15%
lustrous Sturdy great hammer15 adamantium metal bars22g 35s 60c95s 4c10.15%
glowing Energybender suede crown10.15%
glowing Spiritbender quilted robe54 sylvan cloth square14g 77s 44c89s 28c10.15%
Average per kill4.5%