The House of Wittelsbach began the first brewery in 1260. 32 years later, Herzog Rudolf built the castle Kaltenberg, which houses a part of the brewery’s facilities today. The brewery as it exists today was opened in 1870. Prince Luitpold of the House of Wittelsbach, is the great-grandson of the last King of Bavaria, Ludwig III.
I bought this 500ml bottle beer at Vinens Verden, Odense, Denmark. A dark weissbier with a strength of 5,5% for 3,3 Euro.
A brown unfiltered look with a slight dark orange to the bottom.
The thick head of fine bubles, slightly coulered by the dark beer, dissolves into a thin layer.
A good sweet fruit aroma, inviting.
Good CO2 that gives this beer some life compared to other dark beers, some bite to it. A delicious fruit in the after taste and some caramel tones as expected from the dark beer.
Overall rating is 82 / 100