This wheat beer comes from the Paulaner brewery located at Munich in the southern Bayern.
Paulaner have been making beer here since 1634, the brewery was established by the Minim friars of the Neudeck ob der Au cloister. The order and brewery are named after the founder of the order, Francis of Paola. The brewery have since the start changed hands four times and today is owned by a holding company where a venture company along with Heineken owns it.
Beautiful yellow and orange beer with a heavy unfiltered feel to its flow, there is also a lot of sediment.
Big head with a fine top that disperses into a thin layer.
Good fruit aroma and some wheat comes in over it, a little too subtle.
Medium CO2 that gives a good life to the wheat and fruit notes, a little to the sweet side in the overall taste and a tad too thin with the risk of being a little watery, overall a soft taste that lacks a little bite to overcome the lack of alcohol to play into the picture. However it is still a good non-alcoholic weissbier.
Overall rating is 76 / 100