Hopf – Dunkle weisse

The weissbier brewery Miesbach was founded in 1892 and the Hopf family acquired it in 1921. The brewery was upgraded in 1950 and since 1975 to today, the production have risen from 3000 to 45000 hl. The brewery employs 23 people.

I bought this dunkel weissbier from a German webshop in Bayern as a part of a large lot, single price came down
to 1,49 Euro for a 500 ml bottle at 5,3%

Deep and brown colour, with so much sediment that is beyond just being described as unfiltered in its content.

Big head.

Light fruit aroma with a hint of dark malt.

Violent CO2 opens up for this sweet fruit taste, good balance with a dark, pleasant and soft wheat in the after

Overall rating 83 / 100

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