Bryghuset Braunstein – Økologisk hvede

This organic wheat beer comes from a private owned micro brewery located at Koege in the Denmark. The micro brewery is from 2011 and is run by two brothers that also own it. They try to target a smaller market with their special beers and especially their organic beers.

I found this beer at a local supermarket in Denmark at the of 1,75 Euro for a 330 ml bottle with a strength of 5%.

The colour is almost dark orange brown from the heavy amount of sediment in this unfiltered beer. This does not look as delicious as I would hope for.

The head structure is light bubbles that quickly disappears into a thin layer.

There is a large amount of sediment on the bottom of the bottle and you have to swirl it good to get it all out.

A good fruity and fresh taste, it is really well balanced in its taste and the aroma have a hint of yeast. This positive experience only lasts till the bottom of the glass, the heavy sediment falls quickly leaving a sour taste of yeast. I would advise on throwing out the last bit in the glass and then enjoy a good beer, but never finish it.

Colour is not too appealing to me, taste and aroma is really satisfying but I do not like to advise on throwing out beer when it comes from a small and expensive bottle. Organic beer brewing is a plus for doing something good for us humans, I like that and this is also what saves this beer its rating. 

Overall rating is 80 / 100

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