Scheldebrouwerij – Witheer


Scheldebrouwerij is located in Meer, Holland. The brewery was founded in 1994.

I found this beer in a small beer shop located in a cellar on the main street of Tartu, Estonia. The price was 2,65 Euro for a 330 ml bottle with a strength of 5%.

A beer with a lot of sediment that needs to be stirred out of the bottle, a light orange look that is clouded completely.

The head is fine and huge. The big head will stay for a long time.

A over the top fresh aroma comes off with a delightful fruit. A very inviting aroma.

The taste is best described as good, the combination of the beer works very well together. The CO2 is giving the right bubbly sensation and with the long aftertaste there is plenty of enjoyment in the bottle. The coriander is not at all dominating the beer as it in some other witbiers can tend to be.

A highly recommend witbier.

Overall rating is 88 / 100

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