Croft Vintage Port 2000

Estimated cost of this Croft Vintage Port 2000 bottle of 750 ml is 38 Euro.

Taste notes right after decanting

Dark red with brown notes in the colour

Has a heavy swing to it already, leaves heavy curtains on the sides of the glass

Deep dark fruit with a spiced side in the aroma. Well performing right after opening the bottle.

Warm alcohol, full bodied taste with a dark side to it, though on the weak side. Slight notes of dried fruits with short after taste.

Intermediate rating 88 /100

3 hours after decanting

The alcohol has become more dominant in the aroma and there is no change to the taste.

Intermediate rating 87 /100

7 hours after decanting

Enhanced on the sweet notes, much more open, alcohol is less warm. A specific raisin taste has come forward. 

Tannin’s are still well alive and gives a good play.

Intermediate rating 90 /100

22 hours after decanting

Red as blood.

Still some alcohol in the aroma but certainly with a much more spicy and mysterious darkness about it.

Still bite from the tannin, warmth from the alcohol and a good full bodied taste.

Clear taste of dried fruits in taste and after taste.

Overall rating 90 / 100

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