Lottrup – Hvede Ale

“Lottrup” is a brand belonging to the Royal Unibrew group, based in Faxe, Denmark. The Lottrup range of beers is a tribute to the original founder of the Ceres breweries, Malthe Conrad Lottrup, whose breweries are now a part of the Royal Unibrew group.

Not sure where I got this beer from, but I assume I bought it at the local supermarket. It comes in a 330 ml glass bottle at 4.8% alcohol.

It looks great with its hazy orange color and large head of coarse foam with a fine top. The head stays on the beer for the duration of drinking it.

Good sweet and balanced wheat notes in the aroma along with a few hints of fruit.

Good CO2 level with a good wheat taste, but a bit too thin in the combined taste picture. Slightly bitter in the after taste.

Overall rating 76 / 100

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