Frejdahl is the brand result from a cooperation between brewer Christoph Behnke and designer Jim Lyngvild. The beer is brewed at Bryggeriet Vestfyen, located in Assens, Denmark. Bryggeriet Vestfyen has been in operating since 1885.
I bought this wheat beer from a wine shop in Odense, Denmark at the price of 3.5 Euro for a 330 ml bottle at 4,8%
Hazy yellow without a glow to it, comes off with thoughts about sewers in the colour.
No foam head on the top.
Fruited wheat that is dominated by a flowery hops in the aroma.
Good CO2, wheat and hops in the taste and after taste. Not a bitter ending, but still with a dominating hops.
Overall rating 74 / 100