Author Archives: Mads Barnkob

Hjort – Sebastian Belgisk Wit

Hjort Brewery was founded by Carsten Hjort in 2015, in Nørresundby, Denmark. He started out brewing beer from his basement at home. Later on, some of the more popular beers are put in production at larger breweries.

I bought this biodynamic beer somewhere. I forgot. Its a 330 ml glass bottle at 5% alcohol.

The beer is deep orange in the color with some brown notes to it.

Medium sized head with a coarse foam with a fine small bubbled top.

Aroma comes off with a fair strength. Dominated by hoppy fruits and citrus.

Powerful CO2 and the taste notes come out as single notes, not like a mixed picture. Perhaps a bit too perfume like in its wit’tyness.

Overall rating 80 / 100.

Thisted Bryghus – Thy Økologisk Hvede

Thisted Bryghus was founded in 1908 where it bought up the broke Thisted Aktiebryggeri that had existed for a mere 10 years before it had to close. The brewery is mainly owned by local people holding shares in the brewery. Thisted bryghus is located in Thisted in Denmark.

I received this Danish take on a weissbier, as a present form family, for my birthday. It is a biodynamic beer in a 500 ml glass bottle at 5% alcohol level.

It is a beautiful deep orange color with a medium sized head of foam. The head disperses quite quickly.

The aroma comes off with a medium strength wheaten and slightly sweet fruit notes.

Full bodied and balanced in the taste. Goes from wheat to banana in notes. A good overall sweetness and goes into a more regular wheat aftertaste. Not too sweet and not too bitter.

Overall rating 86 / 100.

Familienbrauerei Dinkelacker – Sanwald Hefeweissen

Sanwald Hefeweissen is brewed by Familienbrauerei Dinkelacker. Their history goes back 1861 in Stuttgard, Germany. The best known family members to have run the brewery is Carl Dinkelacker, Robert Leicht, David Sanwald and Ernst Immanuel Wulle.

I bought this beer at a bar called Carlsen’s Kvarter in Odense, Denmark. This 500 ml beer at 4.9% alcohol costs around 8 Euro.

Beautiful hazy and extremely deep orange in the color.

Large head with a fine foam on top, stays for a long while.

A good sweet fruit aroma, lots of notes on the banana side. Medium strength aroma.

Whole bodied, not full bodied. Great taste of wheated fruit notes and good balance between taste and CO2.

Overall rating 85 / 100

H.C. Andersen Brewery – Sommerhvede

H.C. ANDERSEN BREWERY was founded in 2016 by Steen Jensen, located in Odense, Denmark. Steen started out earlier in 2006 with self-brewing classes and brewery, for everyone to come in and brew their own beer/label in small quantities.

This is a wheat beer on a 500 ml glass bottle at 6% alcohol. This beer was given to me as a birthday gift from my family. This beer has snarled heather and orange added to it for aroma and flavor.

Medium sized head with a solid brown foam, it disperses into a thin layer that stays on the beer for a good while.

A beautiful brown beer with a orange shine to it, nice and hazy as a wheat beer should be.

The aroma comes off with a scent of darkness and a wine-like texture. Not so much fruit.

A well-balanced and full bodied tasting experience. Low CO2 plays well with the darkness, sweetness and the wheat. A small amount of citrus, malt and bitterness in the after taste. It should have been advertised as a Dunkel Weissbier, instead of just a wheat beer.

Overall rating 81 / 100

Ebeltoft Gårdbryggeri – Weissbier

Ebeltoft Gårdbryggeri is also known as Hofbrauerei, the German word for a brewery on a farm. It was founded in 2007 by Peter Zacho Hansen.

This Danish brewed Weissbier comes in a 330 ml glass bottle at 5.3% alcohol. I was given this beer as a birthday gift from my family.

No head and the foam that formed at pouring is gone in a second. A orange, hazy and very thick flowing weissbier.

Good aroma with sweet fruits and wheated aromas. A subtle banana scent tinkles at every whiff.

Low CO2 level, typical wheat notes and very little of the anticipated sweet fruits. A little too thin and the after taste is quickly over.

Brewing Weissbier outside of Bayern is a brave decision, as it will get rated against the best of the best of best beers!

Overall rating 77 / 100

Danevang – Hvedeøl

This biodynamic wheat beer comes in at 4.8% alcohol in a 500 ml glass bottle. It is brewed and bottled at Skanderborg Bryghus, but branded by North Retail. I was given this wheat beer as a birthday present by family.

Good head with fine structured foam. White and fluffy, staying for a good while.

Light yellow in the color with a solid haziness to it. Deeper yellow towards the top of the glass.

A, less than, medium strength aroma that comes off with notes of wheat and sweet fruits. Slight hints of bitter hops.

Good CO2 level with a fresh and bubbling wheated fruit in the taste. A little to the thin side and not bitter at all, but not sweet either. It lands somewhere in the middle and could perhaps be too anonymous. Good balance and refreshing.

Biodynamic / organic beers always get a plus more in my book. I want pure beer.

Overall rating 84 / 100

Ugly Duck Brewing Co. – Vinyl Snob

Founded in 2012, Ugly Duck is a sub brand of the Danish brewery Indslev. Indslev brewery was established in 1897 by Frederik Christian Rasmussen. At some point the brewery was closed down, but in 2005 restored to former glory with brand new production equipment. The re-opening was made possible by Anders Busse Rasmussen, grand grand nephew of Frederik Christian Rasmussen.

I was given this 330 ml glass bottle wheat beer as a gift from a friend. It sports 4.2% alcohol, it brewed on license at Indslev Brewery, in Denmark.

Small head of fine foam, it disappeared faster than I could rate the look of the beer and its aroma.

Extremely fruited in the aroma, no clear wheat notes, but a heavy passion fruit feeling to it. I check the label at the back, passion fruit juice has been added to the beer. I am not a fan of adding flavor or aroma. I am a big fan of Germany’s Beer Purity Law.

Tinkling with citrus notes, bitterness and a heavy passion fruit taste does not play well with the lack of CO2. The overall taste picture comes off very raw, properly from the added salt, it just tries too hard to stand out and fails at being a good and solid beer.

Overall rating 65 / 100

Skagen Bryghus – Aslaug

The brewery Skagen Bryghus was founded in 2005 in Skagen, Denmark. It is located in the building formerly used for the electricity generation for the city.

This is a wheat beer at 5.0% in a 500 ml glass bottle. I was given this wheat beer as a gift from family members, for my birthday, a proper birthday wish is wheat beer in all its wonderful different shades and forms.

Big head with a rough structure and fine foam top. A good and hazy yellow color with orange notes.

Fresh wheat in the aroma, comes off with a medium strength. Subtle notes of sweet fruit.

Good CO2 level with a fresh an fruity taste to it, rounds off with more dark notes and a slight bitterness. Can be enjoyed in very large sips, no need to hold back, possible good for thirst quenching. I could have wished for some more sweet notes and less hops in the after taste.

Overall rating 78 / 100

Perlenbacher – Patronus

Perlenbacher is a brand of the supermarket Lidl. It is brewed by Frankfurter Brauerei.

I received this beer as a birthday present from my family. It is a 500 ml bottle at 5.5% alcohol.

There is no head or foam worth mentioning.

The color is a deep orange with brown notes to it.

Good medium strength aroma with a sweetness of dried fruits and hints of wheat.

Good CO2 level which balances fine with the fruit notes. Sweet in the taste with a good play with the wheat notes. Full of life.

Overall rating 83 / 100.

Bryghuset Vendia – Haugbølle Hvede

The brewery named Bryghuset Vendia was founded in 2006 by Henning Gyldenberg Pedersen and Erik Lytzen. The brewery is owned by the local community through sale of shares. No-one owns more than 5% of the stock. Bryghuset Vendia is located in Hjørring, Denmark.

I bought this wheat beer in a local store on the Danish island Langeland. Its a 500 ml glass bottle at 4.8%

Nice big head, rough foam, slightly orange in the color. Disappears within a few minutes.

Slightly hazy and glowing orange color.

Medium strength fruit and sweet wheaten aroma.

Good Co2 level, full bodied sweet and wheaten taste, with an explosion of fruity notes. The after taste has a few notes of darkness about it. Good balance between the elements.

Overall rating 84 / 100