Tag Archives: biodynamic

Neumarkter Lammsbräu – Weisse Alkoholfrei


The first written reference is from 1628 with the mention of the inn “Zum Goldenen Lamm”, that translates to The Golden Lamb, located in Neumarkt, Germany.

In 1800 the brewery was bought by the Ehrnsperger family and in 1845 the brewery Neumarkter Lammsbräu was founded. Since 1977 they have been brewing bio-dynamic beers and developed the concepts up through almost 40 years and have received numerous awards for their caring for the environment.

I bought this unfiltered weissbeer from a German webshop at the price of 1,49 Euro for a 500 ml bottle at 0,0%.

Good looking hazy orange beer.

Large head with a fine top.

Medium aroma with a scent of wheat and vegetables.

Good CO2, a fresh wheat taste with a light fruit, more in the after taste. Bio-dynamic / organic beer. But still a off from missing alcohol.

Overall rating 75 / 100

Braumanufaktur Forsthaus Templin – Weizen


In southern Germany in Potsdam near the Templiner lake is the brewery Braumanufaktur Forsthaus Templin. Founded in 2007 by brewer Jörg Kirchhoff and Thomas Köhler and producing bio-dynamic beers.

I bought this beer at Torvehallerne in Copenhagen, Denmark at the price of 4,5 Euro for a 500 ml bottle at 4,8%.

Thick flowing porridge structure and real good looking orange in the colour.

A head that disappears just as fast as you can pour the beer into the glass.

Light sweet fruit in the aroma.

Good CO2, full bodied sweet fruit with a long and pleasant after taste. Biodynamic / organic beer.

Overall rating 85 / 100

Schneider Weisse – Tap 4 – Mein Grünes


Georg I Schneider was the creator of the Schneider Weisse Original recipe, which is still used today. Two-hundred years ago, wheat beer could only be brewed by the Bavarian royal family in their breweries. In 1872, King Ludwig II discontinued brewing wheat beer due to a steady decline in sales.

Georg I Schneider was sold the exclusive right to brew wheat beer. Today, Georg VI Schneider is running the brewery in Kelheim, which the family acquired in 1927 and has remained the Schneider Weisse brewery to this day. It is the oldest wheat beer brewery in Bavaria. Wheat beer has been brewed there without interruption since its founding in the year 1607.

I bought this unfiltered weissbeer from a German webshop at the price of 1,49 Euro for a 500 ml bottle at 6,2%.

Beautiful orange colour and very coarse haziness.

Small head that is gone in a short moment.

Fresh and hoppy aroma with a sweet fruit to it.

Medium CO2, flowery like a spring field in peak, sweet fruit and some slight bitter hops in the after taste. Organic beer which is a plus but it is also in the sharp end of the flower taste scale.

Overall rating 79 / 100

Little Valley Brewery – Hebden’s Wheat


Little Valley Brewery is a family-run business founded in 2005. All the beers are brewed, bottled and branded high on the Pennine moorland of Cragg Vale, just outside Hebden Bridge. It was founded by master brewer Wim van der Spek and co-owner Sue Cooper. All their products are 100% organic / biodynamic.

I bought this beer at the Salling store in Aarhus, Denmark at the price of 4 Euro for a 500 ml bottle at 4,5%.

Orange going to yellow in the colour, real hazy.

A large and rough head that quickly retracts to almost nothing.

A medium strength aroma that comes off with a fresh, sweet and hoppy fruit.

A lot of CO2 is released and it is a very active beer. Sweet wheat and very bitter hops. Not so spiced as a wit but more with a taste along the lines of citrus. Biodynamic beer.

Overall rating 79 / 100

Hornbeer – Dark Wheat


Hornbeer is a farmhouse brewery founded in 2008 of Gunhild and Jorgen Fogh Rasmussen. Jorgen has had brewery as a hobby for more than ten years. The first brewery was very small, only 300 liter batch. 30th July 2008, only 3 months after opening, the brewery burned down to the ground.

A building was changed from garage to brewery. New and second hand equipment from the whole world was collected. In January 2009 the new brewery was ready for the first brew. 6 years later, the production is around 2000 hl/year. You can find among 30 different beers from the brewery.

I bought this beer at the Salling store in Aarhus, Denmark at the price of 6 Euro for a 500 ml bottle at 5,2%.

Simply put, a black beer.

Small head that quickly disappears.

Darkness and wheaty fruit in the aroma.

Good CO2, darkness, caramel, sweet fruit, slightly spiced in the after taste. A extremely dark dunkel beer. Biodynamic / organic beer.

Overall rating 80 / 100

Ørbæk – Fynsk forår


Ørbæk brewery was founded in 1906 by the Madsen family in Ørbæk, Denmark. The brewery remained on family hands for 3 generations. At the end of the 1970’s the brewery was sold and had many different owners up until the start of the 1990’s where it closed for good. The brewery had a capacity of 20 HL.

Niels and Nicolai Rømer bought the old brewery with all original equipment in 1996, restoration was needed on both buildings and machines. In 2005 they built a new brew house with a capacity of 6o HL.

Ørbæk brewery produces a wide range of biodynamic products, it is delightful to see people dedicated to make a good natural product.

I was given this biodynamic wheat beer, it can be bought in supermarkets in Denmark. It comes in a 500ml bottle at 4,8%.

Yellow and unfiltered and light yellow in the bottom.

Low head that disappears very fast.

Good sweet fruit and bitter hoppy aroma with a hint of flowers to it.

Good CO2, fresh flowers, sweet fruit and a long after taste with the flowers in it. A good combination and biodynamic beers deserves that extra credit.

Over all rating 85 / 100


Ørbæk Weissbier


Ørbæk brewery was founded in 1906 by the Madsen family in Ørbæk. The brewery remained on family hands for 3 generations. At the end of the 1970’s the brewery was sold and had many different owners up until the start of the 1990’s where it closed for good. The brewery had a capacity of 20 HL.

Niels and Nicolai Rømer bought the old brewery with all original equipment in 1996, restoration was needed on both buildings and machines. In 2005 they built a new brew house with a capacity of 6o HL.

Ørbæk brewery produces a wide range of biodynamic products, it is delightful to see people dedicated to make a good natural product.

I bought this beer in a super market in Denmark for the price of 2,5 Euro for a 330 ml bottle at 5%.

A dark and appealing yellow colour in this unfiltered beer.

The head is very fine, yellowish tiny bubbles, just a thin layer that stays.

A lovely aroma with a sweet fruit to it.

Medium CO2, taste is composed of the wheat, the fruit and a after taste that evens out in freshness with a long after taste.

Overall rating 82 / 100

Nørrebro Bryghus – Ivory Blonde


Nørrebro Bryghus is a Danish micro brewery founded in 2000 by Anders Kissmeyer and is located in Copenhagen, Denmark. The brewery also functions as a restaurant.

I bought this beer in Kvickly, a supermarket found all over Denmark. At the price of 2,5 Euro for a 400ml bottle at 5%.

Good looking yellow and orange colours.

Deheading in an instant, decapitation of foam.

Aroma have some good notes split fifty fifty between fruit and flower.

Low CO2, some good but faint fruit, the grape comes through in the end. Beer in a dentity crisis.

Overall rating 70 / 100

Kloster bryg hvede


Kloster brew is a historic brew from Øm kloster in Denmark, the beer itself is brewed by Indslev brewery in Indslev, Denmark.

I bought this bio dynamic wheat beer in a local wine shop in Odense, Denmark at the price of 3 Euro for a 500ml bottle at 5,2%.

Colour is a unfiltered golden yellow with a orange glow to it.

Head is a big fine bubbled white foam that stays.

Light aroma of fruit.

Very active CO2, fresh light fruit, sweet in the after taste but overall a little too light in the taste.

Overall rating 76 / 100