Tag Archives: light

Indslev Bryggeri – Kirstines Juleøl

Indslev brewery was established in 1897 by Frederik Christian Rasmussen. At some point the brewery was closed down, but in 2005 restored to former glory with brand new production equipment. The re-opening was made possible by Anders Busse Rasmussen, grand grand nephew of Frederik Christian Rasmussen.

I bought this 500 ml bottle at 3.5% in a supermarket in Odense, Denmark at the price of 2.5 Euro. It is a light wheat beer.

Good glow to the red and orange beer, with deep brown notes to the colour.

Small head that quickly disperses into a thin layer.

Fresh fruit and dark notes in the aroma, a good mix of the wheat and dark christmas tones of the roasted ingridients.

Dominating wheat in the taste with a slightly underplayed CO2 level, along with the soft and dark character it can come off a little flat. Expected for a christmas beer, but not a light wheat beer. Short after taste with a bit of bitterness in it.

Overall rating 73 / 100

Jacob – Leichtes Weissbier



In 1738, the workers of the smelting work in Bodenwöhr, Bayern, Germany requested permission from Karl Albrecht, Elector of Bavaria, to establish a brewhouse so that they would no longer need to import the brews of a somewhat inferior quality from nearby towns. The first master brewer, Peter Still from Fischbachbegan his work in 1758, so some twenty years later.

In 1759 Peter Still died and while it was a state owned it was decided to privatize the brewery, which happened in 1804. In 1884, Johann Baptist Jacob – the great-grandfather of present-day owner, Marcus Jacob – acquired the company.

I bought this unfiltered weissbeer from a German webshop at the price of 1,49 Euro for a 500 ml bottle at 2,7%.

Dark orange to brown in this hazy beer that features a amber colour spectrum.

Small head with a fine top, gone in a short moment.

Lovely sweet fruit aroma with a hint burned sugar.

Forceful CO2, but with a thin fruit, sweet and slightly bitter wheat in the after taste.

Overall rating 72 / 100

Schneider Weisse – Tap 11 – Unsere Leichte Weisse


Georg I Schneider was the creator of the Schneider Weisse Original recipe, which is still used today. Two-hundred years ago, wheat beer could only be brewed by the Bavarian royal family in their breweries. In 1872, King Ludwig II discontinued brewing wheat beer due to a steady decline in sales.

Georg I Schneider was sold the exclusive right to brew wheat beer. Today, Georg VI Schneider is running the brewery in Kelheim, which the family acquired in 1927 and has remained the Schneider Weisse brewery to this day. It is the oldest wheat beer brewery in Bavaria. Wheat beer has been brewed there without interruption since its founding in the year 1607.

Yellow and unfiltered beer.

Small head that disappears quickly.

The aroma comes off with a light fruit and a hint of wheat.

Good CO2, light and sweet fruit, fresh and easy to drink, as easy as it is to drink it is also a little too light with a thin and too short after taste.

Overall rating is 74 / 100

Weissbierbrauerei Plank Wiefelsdorf Leichte Jura


The weissbier brewery Plank Wiefelsdorf was founded on the first sunday in October 1888 by Michael Plank.

I bought this unfiltered weissbeer from a German webshop at the price of 1,49 Euro for a 500 ml bottle at 2,8%.

Good looking orange colour with a little depth.

Big head with a rough structure but with a fine top.

Almost non-existent aroma, a slight fruit can be sensed.

Powerful CO2, light fruit, light wheat in the taste. Too thin in it overall.

Overall rating 71 / 100

Kuchlbauer Sportsfreund Leichte Dunkle Weisse


Kuchlbauer brewery was founded in year 1300 in Abensberg, Germany.

Besides being a weissbier brewery, Kuchlbauer is very known for its art collection / decorated brewery and especially the Kuchlbauer Tower, an observation tower designed by Austrian architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser on the grounds of the Kuchlbauer Brewery.  The tower stands 35.14 meter tall and the gold-plated observation ball at the top is 10-meter in diameter and weighs 12 metric ton. The tower was opened to visitors in January 2010.

I bought this unfiltered weissbeer from a German webshop at the price of 1,49 Euro for a 500 ml bottle at 2,8%.

Brown to deep orange in the colour, nice and smooth hazy look.

Big head with a fine top.

Medium darkness and caramel in the aroma with a sweet fruit alongside.

Good CO2, dark and lightly fruited, a little too thin in the taste.

Overall rating 74 / 100

Gutmann Leichtes Hefeweizen


The brewery was founded in 1707 when Fürstbischof Marquard II build a brewery in his castle in Titting, Bayern, Germany.

The brewery closed down in 1759 and was reopened in 1786 by Fürstbischof Johann Anton III. The brewery became part of Bayern in 1808 and in 1821 it was sold and was now privately owned. The brewery have been in the hands of the Gutmann family since 1855.

I bought this beer at a Bayern web shop at the price of 2,5 Euro for a 500 ml bottle at 5,2%.

A deep unfiltered beer with a lot of sediment making for a very dense look of orange, so dense that it looks almost grayish.

A small rough head.

A deep wheat aroma, some fruit to it and for some strange reason a tad of pouridge…

Good CO2, light and watery in the taste, weak fruit with a medium after taste.

Overall rating 70 / 100