Tag Archives: christmas

Indslev Bryggeri – Kirstines Juleøl

Indslev brewery was established in 1897 by Frederik Christian Rasmussen. At some point the brewery was closed down, but in 2005 restored to former glory with brand new production equipment. The re-opening was made possible by Anders Busse Rasmussen, grand grand nephew of Frederik Christian Rasmussen.

I bought this 500 ml bottle at 3.5% in a supermarket in Odense, Denmark at the price of 2.5 Euro. It is a light wheat beer.

Good glow to the red and orange beer, with deep brown notes to the colour.

Small head that quickly disperses into a thin layer.

Fresh fruit and dark notes in the aroma, a good mix of the wheat and dark christmas tones of the roasted ingridients.

Dominating wheat in the taste with a slightly underplayed CO2 level, along with the soft and dark character it can come off a little flat. Expected for a christmas beer, but not a light wheat beer. Short after taste with a bit of bitterness in it.

Overall rating 73 / 100

Ølgaard Julehvede

Ølgaard family brew is made on license by Midtfyns Bryghus on Fyn, Denmark. It is a fairly new brand on the scene of small home brewing companies that borrows equipment on the established breweries.

I bought this Christmas wheat brew at Carlsen’s Kvarter, a import beer beer bar since 1972, in Odense, Denmark. For a draft beer of 500 ml at 6.0% the price was 9 Euro.

Beautiful looking beer, orange and brown in the colour.

Small head with a fine foam.

Aroma comes off with a hops and christmas cookies to it, a bit to the weak side.

Faint wheat notes, powerful full bodied alcohol and warmth, becomes better as it goes from cold to room temperature. Let it rest for a bit if you buy this and get it served cold. But generally it is too neutral and should make more of itself.

Overall rating 68 / 100

Det Lille Bryggeri – Hvid Vinter


The Small Brewery (Det Lille Bryggeri) was founded in 2009 in Ringsted, Denmark. It is a micro brewery that is run as a one man business by the brewery himself.

I bought this beer at a local Christmas market in Odense, Denmark at the price of 6 Euro for a 500ml bottle at 7,9%. I bought it from the brewer himself that was at the market with his products.

A thick and very hazy yellow colour, it almost seems brown in it. Very porridge in its image.

Small head with a semi fine top.

Flowered with some fruit in the aroma.

Heavy CO2, flowers, fruit and goes straight into bock style with its massive sweetness. A good fusion beer that tries to land somewhere between bock, weissbier and wit and actually succeeds in doing so. It would have been perfect with some spiced play to the after taste.

Overall rating 80 / 100

Midtfyns – Holm – Wheat Christmas


Midtfyns brew house was founded in 2004 in Årslev, Denmark. It is a micro brewery that started out brewing beer on license from Scotland but since 2006 they have used their own recipes and develop their own new beers.

I bought this beer in a local super market called Kvickly in Odense, Denmark at the price of 6 Euro for a 500 ml bottle at 5,6%. Top of label is unfortunately missing.

A fine looking yellow that is thick and hazy.

Exploding right from the opening, the glass had to be put in place at lightning speed not to spill it. Gigantic head with a fine top.

Powerful fruit with good sweetness in the aroma. Slightly bitter from the hops but very inviting.

Heavy CO2 and a good balance between fruit and hops, spiced notes and after taste is dominated by the hops. A good wheat beer that certainly makes one think of a good wit.

Overall rating 86 / 100

Munkebo mikrobryg – Jólner belgisk julehvede


Munkebo mikrobryg is a micro brewery with a capacity of 13.5 hectolitre. Located in Munkebo, Denmark and was founded in 2013.

I bought this christmas wheat beer at the supermarket Brugsen in Odense, Denmark at the price of 6 Euro for a 500 ml bottle at 5,1%.

Hazy yellow beer with large pieces of sediment at the bottom, so take care when pouring it into a glass.

Medium white head, very fine bubbles and it lasts for the duration of the beer.

Sweet fruit and a light bitter flowery aroma.

Low CO2 with a distinct taste of wheat, very little darkness minded sweetness that ends up in the after taste with a hint of flowers.

Overall rating 83 / 100

Indslev Bryggeri – Frederiks Jul


Indslev brewery was established in 1897 by Frederik Christian Rasmussen. At some point the brewery was closed down, but in 2005 restored to former glory with brand new production equipment. The re-opening was made possible by Anders Busse Rasmussen, grand grand nephew of Frederik Christian Rasmussen.

I bought this beer in a the super market Brugsen in Odense, Denmark at the price of 3 Euro for a 500ml bottle at 6,5%.

Red with brown tones in this unfiltered beer with a good look to it.

Large and rough head with a lid of fine bubbles.

Weak fruit and a dominating bitter flowery scent from the hops.

Okay CO2, bitter fruit, some darkness, a hard flowery taste with even more bitterness in the end. A little too bitter for me with a sweet taste to play in. The label promised darkness and notes of tropical fruits, I do not think they made it all the way to the goal.

Overall rating 69 /100

Indslev bryggeri – Julehvede


Indslev brewery was established in 1897 by Frederik Christian Rasmussen. At some point the brewery was closed down, but in 2005 restored to former glory with brand new production equipment. The re-opening was made possible by Anders Busse Rasmussen, grand grand nephew of Frederik Christian Rasmussen.

I bought this beer in a the super market Kvickly in Odense, Denmark at the price of 3 Euro for a 500ml bottle at 6,5%.

Deep orange colours with brown tones and a lovely glow in this unfiltered beer.

The head disappears fast into a thin layer.

Sweet and light fruit aroma but with a more forthcoming darkness and caramel.

Medium CO2, fruits and darkness with a good wheat taste. Ends up in the hops and sweet after taste.

Overall rating 81 /100